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Do SEO Yourself - Or Should You
kempskinner7399 am 26.08.2019 um 02:14 (UTC)

Search engine optimization, more commonly referred to as SEO, is of course the process which involves getting a website ranked higher in the major search engines. The problem with SEO is that professional firms can be very expensive, which is why many people prefer the "Do SEO Yourself" mentality. In this article I am going to share with you how to do SEO Yourself, and show you at what point you should consider higher a professional internet marketing consultant to perform SEO services for your company or organization.
If you want to do SEO yourself, then the first thing that you need to learn is the value of keyword research. If you are wanting to perform SEO on your own website or web properties, performing adequate keyword research is the first step.
So, how do you perform keyword research? There are many paid tools out there such as Micro Niche Finder, Keyword Elite, and Market Samuri, however from my personal experience I can tell you that the free Google AdWords Keyword Tool works just as well. You should not spend money on tools that will not help you! Even though this tool is called the AdWords Keyword Tool, it still works extremely well for SEO purposes and is recommended by many SEO consultants.
Now, go to the Google AdWords keyword tool and type in your keyword phrase. You can go to the "advanced options" tab and select local searches, global searches, and a lot of other search parameters. I usually only consider the global searches, and I make sure that I change the parameters so that the tool will only return results from English speaking countries. This is a great tool to use if you want to do SEO yourself.
You can then type several keyword phrases into the search field, and the tool will show you how many monthly searches a particular terms gets.
Hot Tip: Focus on the Phrase Match of a keyword, because it is much more accurate than the broad match.
After you find a few keywords that you want to rank your website, blog, or article for, it is time to analyze your competition. In order to do this, you need to install SEO Firefox. It is a free plug-in that allows you to analyze the strength of your competition for a particular keyword phrase.
When you do SEO yourself, you must analyze the first page competition thoroughly. You should look for keywords that have a lot of articles and inner pages ranking highly within the search engines. This typically means that your keyword is easier to rank for, because a lot of home pages are not optimized for that particular keyword!
In addition, you should look at the following factors with SEO Firefox: Domain Age, Number of Backlinks, Number of Pages, and the PR (PageRank) of a website. By analyzing these factors, you can determine whether or not you can rank on page #1.
Most people think that SEO stops there, but if you want to do SEO yourself then you must realize the important of one thing: Backlinks. Backlinks to your website essentially counts as a "vote" from Google, and the more high quality backlinks you have, the higher your website will rank in the search engines.
So, how do you get backlinks?
In order to get high quality backlinks, you can comment on blogs within your market, write keyword rich articles, and submit press releases with an anchor-text link back to your website. These are simple methods to increase the number of backlinks to your website, thus improve your search engine rankings!
One more thing: If you are optimizing your website or blog (as opposed to an article) for the search engines, then make sure you build your website on the WordPress Platform. WordPress is a great way to do SEO yourself, because you can install a plug-in called the All-in-one SEO Pack. This Plug-in will take care of the many on-page optimizations factors for you!
This is a great guide to follow if you want to do SEO yourself. Just make sure that you do not hesitate to contact an internet marketing consultant in order to get the ball rolling. Often business owners do not have the time to do seo themselves, which is where hiring an internet marketing consultant can actually save you a ton of time and money!

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Google Versus Bing - Your Best SEO Bet
kempskinner7399 am 25.08.2019 um 22:41 (UTC)

I got into search engine optimization when Yahoo was king and Google was a gleam in Larry Page's eye so I've had a front row seat to all the big doings. And one thing I can tell you for certain is Microsoft just took off its kid gloves with the release of Bing and is looking for a shot at the reigning champ Google.
This article will show you how to hedge your bet with both contenders and come out a winner while these two Goliaths slug it out.
Round One:
First and foremost make sure you follow the one major rule that will apply to both engines; Content is King!
Although we don't yet have a clear picture of how Bing will react to all situations we do know that, since it is being touted as the first decision engine, it will focus greatly on quality of content. That said, be ready to make your pages a little longer than you did when optimizing for MSN and be certain the copy reads well.
Round Two:
Great content is not enough. It has to be well written and natural sounding. Anything that sounds like it was written for a search bot will not make it into the top one hundred let alone the top ten.
Round Three:
Still dealing with on page content, you need to carefully consider how many times your keyword is mentioned and where it is found on the page text. Both search engines will not only look for your keywords but also the context in which they are found. It is no longer enough to simply have them sprinkled in the text randomly. Now the keywords need to actually flow in the context of the text as well. This is typically taken care of for you when writing naturally but is definitely worth the extra once over before posting the final page live.
Here is a little formula to help...
1. Use one main keyword and up to two supporting keywords per page.
2. Do not repeat the main keyword more than three times on a page.
3. Do not repeat the supporting keywords more than twice each per page.
4. Try to have at least five hundred words per page.
5. Try to place your main keyword at the beginning, middle and end of the page text while keeping the writing natural and flowing.
Round Four:
Get as many high quality inbound links as possible. You already know this but it bears repeating. Search engines today are about popularity of the individual page returns. Having inbound links from Google authority sites will be more important than ever because any other search engine trying to trump Google will also be checking these stats as well as adding a few of their own.
That said, getting links from just the Google authority sites is not enough. You also want to get links from MSN's top picks (which are now Bing's top picks.)
Round Five:
To really hedge your bet, get an early leg up on your competition by becoming proficient in proven SEO software with a good track record on both Google and MSN.
And finally, look for domains for sale that are already ranked well on MSN. This could be the diamond in the rough opportunity of a lifetime for your online business.
By following these simple tips you can outdo ninety nine percent of your competition trying to share in the rewards offered by Google and Bing going head to head.

How To Become An SEO Expert - The Easy Way
kempskinner7399 am 25.08.2019 um 19:06 (UTC),+Remove+and+Comment+Feature+-+Effect+on+SEO.html

If you are looking to improve your search engine ranking through SEO then you are in the right place. Did you know that search engine optimization is not at all difficult, if you know exactly how it works. Here are some tips that will help you become an SEO expert the easy way.
1. Choosing keywords
Before you start promoting your website make sure you have at least three keywords to target. One of keyword should be the primary keyword which is your main target and the other keywords should be your secondary keywords. The reason for selecting three or more keywords is to make your webpage look natural and not stuffed with a single keyword which looks suspicious to search engines. When you choose the primary keyword see that it has low or moderate competition because the heavily competitive keywords might take years to rank in the first page.
2. Good Content
Now you have your keywords start writing a good article for your blog keeping the users in mind. This is because the primary goal of any site ranking higher is to convert the visitors into customers or subscribers and with a good content this becomes easier. After making your blog user friendly now it is time to make it search engine friendly, to do this place your primary keyword in the title, first and the last sentence of your blog post, then sprinkle the secondary keywords throughout the article.
3. Website Promotion
When your website or blog is ready with content written around target keywords it is time to promote the website. In search engine optimization terms website promotion means building backlinks. Search engines rank a website based on the number of quality relevant backlinks it has, so build links only from websites that are closely related to your website topic.
The best place to get a link to your website would be from established internet directories like and There are many other directories but select only the top directories in your industry for maximum SEO benefits.
4. Analyze Competition
The only way to reach the top position in search results is to beat your competition. Analyze the top 10 websites and see what it takes to beat them, the statistics that you need to measure is the number of backlinks and anchor text used. When these parameters are known, you just need to build more links than your competition with the primary keyword as anchor text.
When all these above steps are covered accurately, the ranking of your website gradually increases. Always concentrate on giving better user experience and then optimize the site for search engines

To know more about search engine optimization visit our seo experts academy blog.

Getting Better Results From Your Search Engine Traffic
kempskinner7399 am 25.08.2019 um 09:38 (UTC)

"I did what you said and I'm getting 100 visitors a day from Google. But they still aren't buying my product."
Never minding that some small businesses would be deliriously happy with 3000 addiitonal visitors a month - what do you do when the plan you had to increase your search engine traffic doesn't give you the results you want?
You re-evaluate your plan.
Did you target the right keyword? Are your pages ready to convert? How's your lead capture system? Do you even have one?
You'll need to ask yourself all these questions, and more, but before you even get to that, here's the thing that doesn't seem obvious, the thing you have to resolve before you can move forward.
There's some outside chance - way, way outside - that an increase in search engine traffic just isn't the right way to solve your traffic problem.
What's more likely is that you have made one of the following mistakes or oversights. Before you abandon hope, make sure that the reason for lack of conversions isn't one of the following reasons.
1. You're trying to generate more traffic than a particular keyword can provide.
There might not be ten thousand people online looking for how to make ropes out of cheese every day. If your area is obscure, find out how much of a traffic yield you can expect from search engines, get as much of it as you can, then move on.
2. It would work if you would do all the steps.
In every plan, you'll have to work on optimizing both your content and how it is found. There's just no two ways about it. Depending on your site and how it delivers its information, how frequently it does so, and how many sites are linking to it, and a host of other factors, whether you'll have to lean more on updating content or links will vary.
There's no cookie cutter solution, so do all the suggested steps for traffic success.
3. You don't have a plan.
You know what they say about a failure to plan. If you don't, trust me, it ain't good. Have a goal. If you don't know what to set it on, base it on an increase in revenue. Think backwards from the increase in buyers you would need to make the kind of money you'd like.
4. You're using the wrong plan.
Not every traffic generation method you can leverage for search engine traffic is good for every site or business.
While it's true that the proper blog configuration can turn your site into a search engine magnet, that isn't the only reason to blog, and it doesn't mean that just any platform is suited to your site.
By all means, don't stop blogging because no one is reading your blog - find out why and address that problem. It could be that they can't find it, but it could just as well be what you're writing about.
5- You bought into a sales pitch as a search engine traffic plan.
I'm not going to tell you that article marketing won't help your search engine traffic if executed correctly. I will, however, tell you that most people don't set it up to get the most benefit out of the process, and that it's not a search engine strategy in and of itself.
6. You're paying no attention to analytics, so you have no idea what changed and when.
Getting 100 visitors a day to a site that was getting none is a triumph. Getting 100 visitors a day from search engines to a site that used to get 1000 search engine visitors a day? Not so much.
You need, at bare minimum, a starting place to compare to, or else how do you know you've gotten anywhere?
7 - The traffic plan is fine. Your conversion plan isn't so hot though.
If Google sends you a million visitors and they land on a page full of huge banners, they'll just leave. Give every page a clear purpose, and make sure each one has the ability to get your visitors to buy, subscribe, join, or whatever you'd like them to do, right then or on another day.
Those are the seven most common ways that search engine traffic can leak back out of your site. Even if one of those doesn't solve your search engine traffic problem, if you take action on each applicable point, it will at least help you get more out of your existing traffic.

Hire Freelance Writers - Freelance Writers for Hire
kempskinner7399 am 25.08.2019 um 09:36 (UTC)

If you own a business, you need to hire freelance writers. Website owners hire freelance writers to write SEO articles, web content, press releases, sales letters, blog posts, and more. The enormous amount of websites out there has created an equally great demand for writers who can write web content. An industry that was virtually non-existent only a decade or so ago, web content writing is the most common type of writing, and it is also one of the most popular ways to make money online.
Although there is a seemingly endless pool of writers online, most writers produce inferior articles and web content. This leaves website and business owners in a dilemma. How can you hire freelance writers that can get the job done right? There are a number of things website owners can do to hire quality freelancers, including asking for writing samples, starting with a test article, and keeping good writers long term.
Writing Samples
When you hire freelance writers, ask to read a few of the writer's samples. A quality writer will have an abundance of writing samples. Some of the writing samples, for articles in particular, should appear online with the writer's name as the author. All too often unscrupulous writers go online and send their potential clients links to other people's articles that they have not even written. Hiring a freelance writer who has samples and is credited as the author will help to avoid such fraud.
Hire New Writers for Smaller Orders
While it is a great idea to hire freelance writers who have verifiable writing samples, it is possible that the writer has him or herself hired a ghostwriter. If the writer has hired a ghostwriter to write the content, then there is no guarantee that whoever writes your article will write quality web content. This is essentially a case of bait and switch; the writer shows you amazing samples and then sends you inferior quality writing. To avoid this potential pitfall, I recommend starting out small. For example, rather than hiring the writer to write 100 articles or 100 pages of website content, start with one or two or even ten. Do not invest more than you are willing to lose.
Rehire Proven Writers
Once the writer has proven himself, breathe a sigh of relief. And now that you have a reliable writer who can write quality web content, make sure to use that writer for as many projects as you can. Even if the writer costs a bit more money, it will be worth it if the alternative is posting inferior quality web content or spending all day editing their work.
Following these three steps -- read writing samples, order small to start, rehire good freelance writers - when hiring freelance writer will help save you time and money. The success of your online business depends on high-quality web content and SEO articles. Hire freelance writers today!

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How Google Keywords Work For Searches
kempskinner7399 am 25.08.2019 um 09:35 (UTC)

If you want to know how you can use Google keywords for search as well as understand how it all works, take note of what I'm about to say here. If you have a website online and are using keyword targeting for search engine optimization, good for you! You're on the right track. But if you're new to all of this, let me explain how Google keywords for search work.
There are really two sides to Google, if you really look at it. One, side is the free side and the other is the paid side. If you take a look at the paid side which translates into running Google AdWords ads which are the ads on the right side of the search page of Google, you'll see related ads based on your search. So, basically, those are ads that were paid for with the purpose of getting traffic to a specific website. Basically, what happens is when somebody searches for a certain keyword, related ads will show up. And these ads actually used the same keyword in their ad so that's why the ad appeared on the right hand side when the visitor entered that particular keyword in the search box. Now onto the other side of Google, the free side...
If you take a look at the free side of Google, basically we can typically call this the SEO or the free search side. A lot of times this free side is referred to as organic search. Basically what that means is you're optimizing your site for specific keywords or for specific words. So, what happens is when somebody searches for those particular keywords, and those same keywords are optimized well on your website, your site will actually get a higher rank or placement in the search engines. So you've got to find what words actually work best. When somebody's searching online, what words would you like to have your site appear for? Using free search engine optimization is one of the most inexpensive ways to gain traffic to your website.
One major tip is to use keyword software to target keywords that are in demand from your market. Note that some keywords are more popular than others - usually the main keywords. So, for example if you were in the niche of weight loss, that keyword "weight loss" will be very competitive. You can do search engine optimization for that term, but since it's overly competitive; it may be harder to rank for that term. A great strategy is to use long tail keywords. Long tail keywords refer to words which are 3 or more words. So instead of optimizing your page for the overly competitive term "weight loss", which may be difficult to rank well for, consider optimizing pages for three or more keywords like "weight loss vitamin" or "weight loss vitamin for women". You'll be amazed at how well you can rank for such terms since there are quite a few people entering those terms in the search box.
If you want to gain more traffic to your website think outside the box. Google is a vast search engine that can give you a ton of opportunities to rank well for your market. Whether free or paid, you can do very well if you take the time to carefully look at your market and the capabilities of the Google platform.

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